
Our range of brochures and flyers will you help you find additional in-depth information about our products and systems. Should you not find what you are looking for, please contact us directly here.

→ Catalogue & Company brochure


→ Waterproofing brochures

→ Waterproofing flyers


→ Floor coating brochures

→ Floor coating flyers


→ Roofing membranes brochures

→ Roofing membranes flyers


Waterproofing catalogue 


Зелені сторінки будівельної хімії

Download the Green Pages of Construction Chemicals as PDF file (Edition 2020, 20MB)


Company brochure waterproofing specialists 


Waterproofing system brochures



Waterproofing product flyers



Floor coating system brochures



Floor coating product flyers



Roofing membranes system brochures



Roofing membranes product flyers




Albania Austria Bosnia and Herzegovina Brasil Bulgaria China Croatia Czech Republic Denmark Finland Germany Ghana Greece Hungary Iraq Italy Japan Kazakhstan Kuwait Latvia Lebanon Macedonia Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Norway Panama Poland Portugal Romania Russia Senegal Serbia Slovakia Slovenia South Africa Spain Thailand Turkey Ukraine United Kingdom United States of America